Why You Should Choose Glasses With Scotchgard™

Some Eye Opening Facts

Workplace eye injuries can affect workers of all ages in nearly every industry. These injuries often occur when a worker isn’t wearing their safety glasses properly or when they aren’t worn at all. One of the most significant factors in noncompliance among workers is fogged eyewear.

In Canada alone, 200 work-related eye injuries occur each day. With the right type of eye protection, 90% of these injuries can be avoided*.

When Does Fogging Occur?

Fogged eyewear is a concern throughout the year. It is especially prevalent when there are significant changes in temperature in the work environment and when high heat and high humidity are combined. Fogged eyewear can also be the result of something as simple as a worker finishing their break indoors and stepping outdoors into sub-zero temperatures in the winter.

Why Do Workers Rely On Anti-Fog Coating?



Workers are able to wear the eyewear in the correct position in hazardous areas, resulting in fewer workplace eye injuries.



When workers don’t have to remove glasses to clean them or constantly adjust them for better vision, less time is lost during a shift.

Distortion-free vision

Distortion-free vision

Workers are better equipped to perform precise tasks with fewer mistakes.



Fewer workplace eye injuries can result in fewer fines, WSIB claims and lost production time; having a good safety record can also help improve a company’s reputation.

Why Use Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating Technology?

Unlike many anti-fog coatings, 3M™ Scotchgard™ Anti-Fog Coating is directly bonded into the lens of the safety glasses and not just to the surface. The reduced-contact angle flattens the water beads into a thin, transparent film of water and allows light to pass through with minimal distortion.

Uncoated + Anti-fog coating